Sunday July 15-Monday July 16
Sunday July 15-Monday July 16
We didn’t get to leave the wall in Campbellford until after 11:00. Everytime we would get ready to untie our lines another boat would take off in front of us. The weather was so hot that we only cruised to the top of Healy Falls Lock. We were the only ones at this lock so we had total solitude.

We tied our boats on the wall and took our dinghy down and went for a ride and then jumped in the water for a float to cool off. It was nice to finally be in the water. The wall that we tied to was in the middle of nowhere. The stars were plentiful and beautiful.
There were beautiful gardens at the lock station. Made Pam want to stick around and eat some of the veggies.

The next morning we left around 9:30 and planned to cruise for a bit and then stop at Hastings for lunch and ice cream and then continue cruising and anchor out in Rice Lake. When we got to Hastings we had to move a few smaller boats around so we could both fit on the wall. We went to lunch at the Captain’s Table and shared a generous meal of Fish and Chips.
We stopped in at the local small town hardware store when the electricity went out for a while and then finally came back on. We got our ice cream looked at the sky and decided that we were going to stay on the wall instead of being at anchor fighting a storm. That evening we had docktails with 3 other Looper boats.