Sept 19 – Sept 27 Northport

The pictures that follow show a solar array installation of a Defever 44 exactly like ours. John is considering adding adding to Short Vacation.


Of course Pam had to break out the wigs for our last day together with Tom and Colletta, for the season.

We had a dinner with Tom’s cousin and her husband.

Tom had to supervise the lifting of his boat.


The lake kicked up for a number of days and we couldn’t make a move to have Short Vacation pulled out of the water.

This was an excursion boat that sailed the waters of Northport Bay. Even with bad conditions this boat sailed these waters and pulled into this marina to hide for several days. This boat used a dinghy as a forward and rear thruster.  

The weather finally calmed down and we could head over to the boat yard to get hauled out…

Well, that’s it for the 2018 boating season. We plan to be back in June, get launched and head back up to Canada.

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