Monday August 13. – Tuesday August 14 and Our wedding anniversary
We left Wright’s marina at 9:30. We wanted to wait for the staff to be around to help us get our boat out. We started to go into Bustard’s Island Harbour anchorage but it was smaller than we liked and didn’t look like there was enough swing room for both our boats so we headed out. Tom suggested that we try the anchorage around the bend called Pearl Island. When we got there we found Aurora and another DeFever 44 called Hallelujah. Barb from Hallelujah had been emailing all the DeFever owners that had been doing the loop this year trying to rendezvous with them and we finally got to meet up with them unexpectedly. This was a spacious anchorage and fun to explore around. We dropped our anchor and then we took the dinghy over to the island behind us and tied a rope from our stern to the shore. John wanted to that to keep us from swinging around. It is a common practice in these anchorages to enable more boats to get in and use them.

This area had lots and lots of Loons swimming around calling to mates and family members.

Short Vacation is in the middle. The closest boat is a 49 foot DeFever and the other 2 are 44 foot.

We went over to Aurora’s boat for happy hour.
We had a low key anniversary with dinner on the boat.
The next day we cruised around the area in our dinghy. We took along our fishing poles but didn’t have any luck. This is a large and pretty anchorage that was quiet and peaceful. Ok, it was peaceful until Pam reached into the forward compartment in the dinghy and saw a snake. All of sudden she was in the back of the dinghy. Since there are rattlesnakes up here John wasn’t taking any chances.

There was a very narrow and shallow shoot that lead to another small anchorage too shallow to use on outboard.

Aurora in the foreground and Short Vacation in the rear


John visits Aurora before they and Hallelujah pull up anchor and head out.

Steve is washing the mud off of this anchor chain. At the same time, his windless started acting up but fortunately he got it working but it was sporadic.

We didn’t have any luck fishing but Tom and Colletta did…