Friday August 24-25 The Pool At The End Of Baie Fine

Another very popular anchorage in the North Channel is called The Pool.  It was a fairly long trip in to The Pool but worth at least one time. The owner of the Evinrude Outboard Motor company has a remote cabin located just outside of the Pool. He sometimes brings is large yacht into this area. He wasn’t there but we think a caretaker was there. The anchorage itself is just okay but it’s what is around it that is so beautiful.

Once again, we ran into Steve and Dianne on Aurora as we entered “The Pool”.

We had a little trouble trying to find enough room to anchor here as there were a few boats here when we arrived.  The first night we had Tom and Colletta over for a chicken dinner that we cooked in the crock pot as we traveled.  The next day we dinghied over to a dock that is the start of a path that leads to Topaz Lake.  We found walking sticks that others had used before and we proceeded to hike to the lake.


This was the Topaz Lake at the top above The Pool. The weather was overcast so the lake wasn’t as pretty as it would be on a sunny day.


We also got a wonder view of our anchorage below.  Our boat was around the corner to the left and not visible.



As we started back down from the top it started to rain and it really poured. I was glad that we brought the water proof pack for my camera and had our rain gear as well.

That night as we were sitting on the back of our boat we saw a wolf walking the edge of the pool looking for a meal.

The holding was not very good here but we held just fine after we tried to get hooked in a couple of times.  We watched other boats trying to drop the anchor in the same spots with the same results. We had heard that the bottom of The Pool was really scoured up from all of the boats dragging anchors over the years.


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