Entering Norfolk Mile marker 0 on the ICW
Sunday, June 26
Got the boat ready so that we could make the 10 o’clock bridge opening just north of the marina. The bridge is called the Great Bridge Bridge and leads directly to a lock. The bridge opens North on the hour and south on the half hour and the lock right past it works with the schedule.

Cruised the 12 miles up to Tidewater Marina in Norfolk. Coming up into Norfolk is very interesting. There are a lot of bridges between Atlantic Yacht Basin and Tidewater. Luckily all of our railroad bridges were open and we just passed through. This isn’t always the case and sometimes you have to wait quite a while. The bridge below just happened to open. Ironically, this same bridge happened to get stuck in the open raised position a few days later and was stuck that way for a week or so.
They were loading and unloading freighters everywhere.

Going by The Naval shipyard we saw lots of Coast Guard patrol boats with guns on the front of them. 50 caliber machine guns. There was a huge Aircraft Carrier that was in the yard. It was quite an impressive boat. We didn’t take any pictures of those ships.
Interesting cruising into the Norfolk area. Got to Tidewater Creek Marina at around 12:30 PM. Greek’s Folly joined us at around 2:30 PM (they took the Dismal Swamp route). We walked downtown Portsmouth to check out the town and then went to the pool to cool off for the evening.