Delaware City and Philadelphia
Saturday, May 27-June 2
Finally were able to leave Sassafras marina in Georgetown after we took on Fuel. We are now traveling on waterways that we have never cruised before. We wanted to leave yesterday before the Memorial Day weekend boat traffic started but the weather was still bad and Tom didn’t get his part of the dinghy motor until yesterday afternoon. Lots of boats on the water today. We are cruising by ourselves on our boat since Mark and Becky are on their new boat. Traveling through the C&D Canal was quite interesting. You can meet lots of big ships that are coming from Philadelphia and going into Baltimore or visa versa. It was a very smooth travel day today even though we ran into some go fast and inconsiderate boaters when we first got into the C&D Canal. We decided to stay in Delaware city marina so that Tim could give us the 5 o’clock report on traveling down the Delaware Bay.
We stayed here from Saturday 27th through Friday, June 2. Art and Pam on Tinactious were there to help us tie up.
This marina has a really interesting layout. It’s has a long dock that you pull into and then the dock hands turn your boat around . It was hard to believe that they could do this but they have had lots of experience doing it and are quite good. While we were there we went out for dinner, had dinner on Pam and Art’s boat, road bikes around the town, ate seafood from the local vendor and attended the towns Memorial Day Celebration. Tom and I even joined the community choir at the festivities.
Pam and Art left us but we stayed on to have more boat projects done. Greek’s Folly ordered parts for their windless and John had the mechanics at the marina work on our dinghy motor. Thank God it was only a screw or part that had come loose and wouldn’t let the motor shift gears. Tom wanted to take our boats up to Philadelphia but we managed to talk him into just renting a car and driving up to see the town. We were only around an hour away so we went back and forth for 2 days. We took the Big Bus Philadelphia Tour, took a guided walking tour, saw Liberty Bell, Declaration Hall where they signed the Declaration of Independance, and lots of other things. We even got a chance to try a Philly Cheese Steak at Jim’s Steaks.

Our Big Bus Guide
Walking tour guide
Ben’s head on the 102nd floor
His feet on the first floor
John beside Liberty Bell crack and all
Room where they signed the Declaration of Independence
John with a few of his buddies
John enjoying a Philly Cheese steak. It was delicious.