Anchorage Called Alligator River Cove

Tuesday, June 21
Because of the fact we were at an unprotected anchorage at Belhaven, we did rock ‘n’ roll a little bit through the night. It was not that bad though. We left our Anchorage at about 10 AM.  The winds are at about 15 mph.  Nice wide open water as we left Bellhaven going north.  We are glad that we have stabilizers on this boat. It makes for a pretty smooth ride even with the wind and the waves. We cruised through some narrow but deep canals.  Long slow passage.  There is no cell service for over 20 miles through this area. Wind got really strong once we got out of the canal.  We were probably fighting a 20-30 knot head wind.  We found an anchorage called Alligator River Cove that protected us quite a bit from the South/southwest winds.  We had to watch really well for crab pots as we made our way into this anchorage because the white caps could cover them up.  A 51 ft Leopard power catamaran followed us into our anchorage.  Active captain comments about this anchorage told us that we would be buzzed by fighter jets and we were not disappointed.  No cell service here though.

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